Speaking Topics

Want Peggy to speak to your group or organization? Contact her here.

For the Public

How to be the Queen of Your Finances” Using information from her book, 52 Weeks to Well-Being, Peggy helps women financially thrive by discussing how to open a business, juggle caregiving and life, survive widowhood and divorce, and move ahead in the workplace.

Length: Twenty minutes to one hour.


“Survival Finance” Using information from her book, 52 Weeks to Prosperity, Peggy explains basic financial topics including how to create a budget, save enough of an emergency fund, and pay off debt.

Length: Twenty minutes to one hour. A two-part workshop spaced 30 days apart is also available.


“Legislative Update” Peggy discusses current state and federal legislation and how it impacts financial consumers. She also offers criteria for choosing financial professionals, including their willingness to hold a fiduciary standard.

Length: Twenty minutes to one hour.


If you don’t see a topic you like, ask Peggy if she can cover your interest.


For Financial Professionals

“Pursuing the Rational Client” Peggy explores behavioral finance topics, offers ways of recognizing irrational financial behavior, and presents strategies to help clients make better financial decisions.

Length: Adjustable: One to Two Hours

CFP® CE is available with sufficient notice.