Category Archives: Investments

Investing in Fireworks!

on July 3, 2018

Nothing is better than fireworks on the 4th of July! Out of seemingly nowhere, bright colors explode in the sky, dazzling everyone who sees them. Then, almost instantly, they are gone. Some investments behave a lot like fireworks. Companies or concepts capture everyone’s attention, and investors are exuberant. They rush to invest only to have…

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Job Changer’s Financial Checklists

on January 23, 2017

This blog post is provided by the Financial Planning Association. As you look forward to starting a new job, it’s important to consider how you will manage your finances while making the transition from one employer to the next.

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Implications of NYSE Trading Restrictions

on November 22, 2015

The early reporting of the news from November 16, 2015, was surprising. As of February 26th, 2016, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is no longer allowing accepting new stop or good ’til cancelled (GTC) orders. Additionally, any existing orders will be cancelled as of that date. The link to the NYSE announcement can be…

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Choosing the Right Benchmarks for Your Mutual Fund

on November 6, 2015

With permission, this article is brought to you by the Financial Planning Association. Although it discusses mutual funds, it is just as effective with exchange traded funds (ETFs) or other types of funds. Peggy Choosing the Right Benchmarks for Your Mutual Fund Community school boards use standardized tests to gauge how their students perform in…

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Preferred Stock: A Hybrid Investment

on June 22, 2015

Here is another article from the Financial Planning Association. Preferred Stock: A Hybrid Investment With interest rates on government bonds and highly rated corporate bonds barely keeping up with inflation, investors are searching far and wide for better returns. One alternative is preferred stock.1 Preferred stock is often called a stock-bond hybrid. While technically an…

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