Category Archives: Uncategorized

When the Skies Turn Black

on June 3, 2024

Oklahomans take spring storms in stride. We go about our day but keep an eye turned toward the sky. We only flip the radio or television to a local station if the horizon begins to darken. By then, however, it’s too late to make proactive financial decisions. So review your documents now, when the skies…

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Wills and Probate

on January 14, 2024

When I was young, my grandparents had a giant book on their bookshelf avoiding probate. I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, so I tried to read the book. I was ten at the oldest, and it was the most boring thing I ever tried to read. I made it to page 5 or…

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Bold Budgeting in the New Year!

on January 6, 2024

New Year’s resolutions often involve losing weight and gaining control of finances. However, sometimes, the goals can be a little murky. We say we want to be thin or get better with our money, but these vague resolutions can’t be measured. Having a more specific focus helps us track our progress. I can’t help you…

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Holiday Shopping With Less Stress!

on November 19, 2023

I love everything about Thanksgiving weekend! I look forward to the turkey, trimmings, parade, and football. I also love Black Friday shopping. Growing up, my grandmother, mom, aunt, and I donned Christmas sweaters and headed to the first mall. Then, we’d have burgers and eggnog shakes before we headed for the second mall. After we…

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What’s Behind the Mask?

on October 7, 2023

On Halloween, you can expect a collection of ghosts, witches, princesses, and superheroes to come to your door with cries of “Trick or Treat.” Likely, some are neighbors, and you may recognize the parents from next door hiding behind a tree as their kiddos bravely walk up the sidewalk alone. Of course, you aren’t afraid…

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Prospering at the End of Summer

on August 13, 2023

By any measure that matters, summer is over. Vacations have ended, Oklahoma schools are about to start, and college football is in the air. After a summer more typical and relaxed than those in recent years, it’s time to get back to work. We have a couple of months until the holidays command our attention,…

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Five Financial Takeaways from 2022

on January 6, 2023

Last year was a financial mess. The markets were tough to negotiate as we experienced unusual issues that were complicated and difficult to understand. Reviewing some of them might help us make better decisions in the future. Although many economic, political, and financial events led to the 2022 markets, I’m limiting my discussion to five…

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Making Your Money Less Scary

on October 12, 2022

Halloween can be fun, or it can be scary, depending on our choices. Do we curl up with smiling jack-o-lanterns or shriek our way through extreme haunted houses? Our financial situation also can be frightening; however, we can take steps to lower our financial fears. Here are some tips to make your money more like…

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Christmas…Ummm…New Year’s in July!

on July 5, 2022

Happy 4th of July! Although Christmas in July is trendy, I want to move one week forward. How are your New Year’s resolutions? Have you been successful, or have you given up in despair? If you’re like most people, your plans didn’t last long enough to see Valentine’s Day, let alone our nation’s birthday. Don’t…

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Untangling Medicare Advantage Plans

on April 5, 2022

If you’ve been watching TV recently, you’ve seen ads often featuring older celebrities. “You may be missing out on available benefits. Call this number to see if Medicare Advantage is right for you.” The disclaimers are in a font so small you couldn’t read them with a magnifying glass. What is Medicare Advantage? Medicare Advantage,…

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