What does D.M. stand for?

on October 30, 2014

As of September, D.M. Wealth Management, Inc. has been open for eleven years!  It’s been an amazing, fun, frustrating, awe-inspiring ride.  The best thing about D.M. Wealth is the clients–I’m so fortunate to have a wonderful group of people I advise.  However, they ask one question repeatedly:  What does D.M. stand for?  Is it my initials backwards (Doviak, Margaret).  Is it a strange version of my name and my husband’s nickname (Dick and Margaret)?

Today, the answer is revealed.  No, it’s no version of my name.  When I was about twenty, I opened a literary consulting firm where I typed, edited, proofread, and provided any and all literary services for authors and professors.  (Remember, in my last life I was an English teacher.)  I called it Dream Makers Literary Consultants.  I believed that helping someone with their writing helped them realize their dreams.

Over fifteen years later, when I wanted to open a financial planning firm, I was drawn to the name Dream Makers again because I believe that good writing skills are important, but good money skills can be life changing.  However, at age 37, I realized Dream Makers just might sound like an escort service!  I was also entering the world of E.F. Hutton and J.P. Morgan.  So Dream Makers became D.M.  And that’s the rest of the story…..

Be Prosperous!  Peggy

One thought on “What does D.M. stand for?”

  1. Betty Dorsey says:

    Cool. I always thought it was your initials backwards. I love the real explanation!! It gives me a totally different view of you! You can never go wrong making people’s dreams come true!

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