Why do I say “Be Prosperous”?

on October 1, 2014

This is a blog to help you be prosperous.  It’s not a get rich quick site.  It’s not a hot stock tip site.  It may not always even be about financial planning, its primary focus.  Instead, this is a blog to help you recognize prosperity and take steps to improve yours.  What does it mean to be prosperous?  I would argue that financial stability is part of prosperity, but prosperity is much more than that.  Prosperity can also mean having your health, being with family, and enjoying the company of friends.  It’s pursuing your passion and living a life of minimal stress.  It’s worshiping in the way you find meaningful and enjoying being alone as much as being in a group.

Of course, prospering also involves issues like cash flow, emergency funds, investment accounts, risk management, tax minimization, and estate planning.  When all areas of financial planning are organized in your life, your mind is free to enjoy the earlier components of prosperity.  Those topics will be our primary focus, but I don’t want you to define your success through your net worth. Prosperity is so much more than money.

Be Prosperous!


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