Category Archives: Cool, Random Thoughts

Being Thankful

on November 14, 2019

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it has little stress. It doesn’t come with an expectation of presents, and it focuses on food! Even though the Thanksgiving Day Parade ends with Santa’s arrival in Times Square, more employers are giving employees the day off and beginning the crazy holiday season after midnight. The…

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Avoiding Holiday Stress

on December 6, 2017

As much as we look forward to the holidays, let’s face it—sometimes they can be stressful. Before you get caught up in all the events, create a strategy so you can have a good time.

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Why Did I Become a Financial Planner?

on November 2, 2014

I never intended to go into finance.  I was an English professor and a corporate trainer.  I hated math and held a degree in creative writing.  I didn’t own a navy suit.  And yet…

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What does D.M. stand for?

on October 30, 2014

As of September, D.M. Wealth Management, Inc. has been open for eleven years!  It’s been an amazing, fun, frustrating, awe-inspiring ride.  The best thing about D.M. Wealth is the clients–I’m so fortunate to have a wonderful group of people I advise.  However, they ask one question repeatedly:  What does D.M. stand for?  Is it my…

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Why do I say “Be Prosperous”?

on October 1, 2014

This is a blog to help you be prosperous.  It’s not a get rich quick site.  It’s not a hot stock tip site.  It may not always even be about financial planning, its primary focus.  Instead, this is a blog to help you recognize prosperity and take steps to improve yours.  What does it mean…

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