Category Archives: Financial Planning

Investing Isn’t Spooky!

on October 5, 2018

Sometimes, you can dread seeing the envelope of your financial statement. Even when the markets are doing well, you can have that cold feeling that you don’t really know what you are doing. Well, finances don’t have to be spooky. Here are a few tips to keep the monsters away. Always work with a financial…

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Avoiding Holiday Stress

on December 6, 2017

As much as we look forward to the holidays, let’s face it—sometimes they can be stressful. Before you get caught up in all the events, create a strategy so you can have a good time.

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Managing the Equifax Data Breach

on October 9, 2017

  The Equifax data breach is a serious issue that, unfortunately, is still developing. Equifax is one of the three largest consumer credit reporting agencies, and initial reports suggest 143 million people may have been impacted.

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Prosperity Points for Financial Football

on September 1, 2017

Everyone loves college football just about as much as they hate organizing their finances. However, the two activities have more in common than you might think. They require a good offense, a solid defense, and some effective special teams. To play financial offense, you have to be proactive with your money. These steps include creating…

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Prosperity Points for Your Valentine

on February 6, 2017

Valentine’s Day promotes candy, flowers, and candle-lit dinners. However, if loving someone involves making his or her life easier, you might consider giving the gift of better financial security.

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Job Changer’s Financial Checklists

on January 23, 2017

This blog post is provided by the Financial Planning Association. As you look forward to starting a new job, it’s important to consider how you will manage your finances while making the transition from one employer to the next.

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New Year’s Prosperity Points

on January 16, 2017

Each morning, at approximately 8:05 a.m., I have a one-minute radio spot on SportsTalk radio, 1400 AM, 99.3 FM. The first week of January, I offered the following five spots that I believe will help you organize your New Year and have a more prosperous 2017.

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Strategies for Keeping Your Resolutions

on January 9, 2017

A New Year is always a good time to make a fresh start and some resolutions! Psychologists say that most goals are abandoned well before the end of January. This is why gym memberships are pushing year-long memberships now! To help you be successful this year, I want to give you a piece of advice:…

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Prosperity Points for 2017!

on January 3, 2017

Happy New Year! Happy 2017! This is your opportunity for a fresh start—to try to accomplish new resolutions or revisit some older ones. I hope one of your goals involves creating or reviewing your financial plan. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

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