Planning at the End of the Summer

on August 25, 2016

By any measures that matter, summer is over. Vacations have ended, school has started, and OU football is in the air. It’s time to get back to work. Before the holidays become your next excuse, I want you to spend some time organizing your finances. Even though we work a solid forty hours A WEEK to earn our money, I am always amazed at the lack of time we want to take to ensure that it is best meeting our financial goals. Here are some tips:Look at your financial situation even if it scares you a little. Avoiding it will only compound the problem.

  • Remember that your financial life is much more than your investment portfolio and your insurance policies. Talk to a CFP® practitioner for assistance with additional topics including cash flow, education funding, taxes, retirement, group benefit selection, and estate issues.
  • Break large tasks into small pieces and give yourself timelines, just like a project at work. If you consistently work toward organizing your finances, you won’t get overwhelmed and quit.

Starting a financial plan is much more difficult than finishing it. The period of time between summer and the holidays gives you an opportunity to really examine your financial life, take appropriate actions, and make changes that will help you prosper! It’s worth the time.

Be Prosperous!



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